
Sandpipers: Wild Migrations – PART 1
While working for the B2B Project, under the Freedom to Roam series we want to inspire our viewers about migrations and the importance of connectivity. Massive movements of uncountable creatures that move over the landscape or under the water to reach a point in the northern hemisphere.
There are many stories to tell about Wild Migrations and how we happened to be in the middle of some of them. Our first journeys with hundreds of tiny sandpipers in Cordova, AK. It was one of a series of encounters that took our breaths away and set a mark in our hearts about what migration means.
For all of this fascinating creatures to traverse hundreds of miles at a time. Flocks after flocks of diminutive Sand Pipers kept arriving over the Cordova mud flats. Resting, feeding and re-energizing before heading further north to their nesting grounds on the Arctic Tundra.
To be part and document this incredible spectacles, we needed to fight against winds, stand bad rainy weather, stare dull against grey skies and go through some phsicological fears of probably not getting any shots… but after a long wait, there is always a reward.
And so, this is how one of many stories begins…
Nachricht 96 von 97
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- Mammals
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- Incredible Animal Journeys Serie
- Emmy Nominierung für America the Beautiful
- Planet Earth 3
- BAFTA Nominierung: Photography Factual
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- Veröffentlichung - National Geographic Magazine DE
- Veröffentlichung - Senckenberg
- Neuer Vortrag - auf Tournee in der Schweiz
- National Geographic Interview mit Florian
- CNN Fernsehbeitrag
- Gastposts auf der National Geographic-Instagramseite
- Veröffentlichung - im Photo Weekly Onlinemagazin
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- Veröffentlichung im japanischen Magazin DAYS JAPAN
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- Veröffentlichung - in der Nikon 100 Kampagne
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- Veröffentlichung auf der WWF Website
- Veröffentlichung im Defenders Magazin
- Weitere Veröffentlichung auf der Audubon Website
- Veröffentlichung auf der Audubon Website
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- Back from the ice
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- Lonely
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- Conservation Photographer of the Year 2008
- Expeditions in the Alaskan Arctic, Part 1
- Sandpipers: Wild Migrations – PART 1
- Voices Behind the Camera
- Vorwärts
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